lördag 31 mars 2012

My immediate respons...

...to just about everything. Then I take a deep breath, relax, think it through and respond in the exact same way as before.
Gif source: Unknown

måndag 26 mars 2012

onsdag 21 mars 2012

Ben the Bat

I had too much spare time at work yesterday. Things happen. You can't place me near pens and papers, people!


-No, I swear; this is my "serious face".

Fatty bun bun

måndag 19 mars 2012


I had this dream that a high pitch beeping was making my ears bleed and woke up to find that it was the alarm clock. Waking up in the middle of a dream is never a good thing. Needless to say; I was I no mood to swap my comfy bed for a ten hour work shift. The minor blizzard outside and the letters on my kitchen table, urging me to make important phone calls, just added to my foul mood and the longing to crawl back in to bed, and stay there for the rest of the month, was overpowering. In some enormous effort I managed to get dressed, go outside and head for the bus stop instead. Trodding through snow, sleet and winds, that could rip your face off, I finally got on the bus and off I went, trying to listen to some music, but the phone was being a dick about it. Really bummed out I arrived at the bus stop at work, tried to get off the bus but at that point the bus driver kindly slammed the door shut in my face. Now really pissed off I clocked in at work, realized we were not staffed properly, eight self service check-out points weren't working and that I had ten hours of explaining simple stuff to stupid people ahead of me.
I was the rabbit of negative euphoria. Though no one noticed since I behaved like I normally do, or rather; I didn't behave at all, which is kind of normal.

fredag 16 mars 2012

Mah Magpie Movie

I forgot about this... still makes me laugh. Yes, I do have a very simple sense of humor. I made it using stop-motion when I was at art school two years ago. Magpies rule!

Work doodles

lördag 10 mars 2012

Dear Jim

...will you fix it for me? I'm talking about the applications? I don't mind being in debt to the Napoleon of Crime that much... I guess... maybe...
I should seriously give all my attention to the apps, but I keep telling myself that short breaks of doing something completely different is good for creativity. I've been juggling, playing the piano, singing, repotting plants, dancing, eating, drawing silly stuff and watching The Reichenbach Fall for the umpteenth time.


Book covers for school applications. I'm actually pleased with'em. Weird.

torsdag 8 mars 2012


Doodles I drew on a few ice-cream postcards and sent to my brother from another mother last summer. He loves ice-cream. Seriously. He'd kill for the stuff.


Always in doubt. Always. But it's a start. Wanna keep it simple. Might change the entire thing and it'll end up looking nothing like this, at all.