tisdag 31 januari 2012
Billy Bluebell

Isn't he adoooorable? It all kind of went tits up around 4am with the illustrations and the pics I ended up sending off to the firm weren't that good. Billy was one of the best, along side the shoes. But what the hell; I suck at Illustrator and drawing realistic pictures ain't mah thang, so... I don't know... Staying true to myself? If I don't get the job; I hope it's a shit place and that they don't practise free creativity. Thinking inside the box, with the lid on and lights out.
I took short breaks during my 20 hours of forced creativity, during which I doodled fangirly pictures. It takes such an enormous amount of time to get the hang of these programmes!
I'm all kind of spent today.

måndag 30 januari 2012
Have you met Mr. Illustrator?
fredag 27 januari 2012
Manic Baker Street Preacher
torsdag 26 januari 2012
That akward moment when a costumer simply stands and stares at me rather than voice his query.
onsdag 25 januari 2012
Don't be tardy to the Moriarty party!
tisdag 24 januari 2012
Welcome to Bitch & Moan, how can I help you?

Another work related doodle. It was almost as cold indoors as it was out in the snow and I was sitting all bundled up in one of those fugly company fleece jackets, muttering curses at the customers who were milling through the revolving door and letting all the icy air in. The person who designed our work clothes should be dragged naked into the streets and shot in the face. Twice.
If I ever start a company I shall call it Rant, Nag, Bitch & Moan.
fredag 20 januari 2012
tisdag 17 januari 2012
fredag 13 januari 2012
söndag 8 januari 2012
lördag 7 januari 2012
Hear me roar!
onsdag 4 januari 2012
tisdag 3 januari 2012
I do wonder.

Since I man the information desk at this vast furniture emporium I'm also in charge of the play area. It's a wonderful, magical place where you can drop off your snotty little cherubs for an hour while you yourself do a minor bookshelf shopping spree. Most kids treasure this hour and make the most of it by actually playing with all the fabulous stuff we've put in there. Some kids don't.
Judging by these wee drawings it seems like all I do at work is lounge about and have coffee. That's not true at all! I insult colleagues too.
måndag 2 januari 2012
Can I help you?

Borrowed a few lines from Cabin Pressure and pondering wether I should start using them at work. I man the information desk at a very large Swedish furniture company.
John Finnemore, the maker of Cabin Pressure, has a blog riiiight here.
söndag 1 januari 2012
Hardwood floor? Where?

Is it only my floor that looks like this, or is it normal to have ink bottles, brushes, pens and what nots strewn all over? It tends to stay this way for days on end, until someone drops in for a coffee and I have to tidy up a bit.
Just watched A Scandal in Belgravia and I do have to say that Messrs. Moffat and Gatiss really did a great job with that one, and all the others who were involved, of course. My God, think of the tidal wave of fan art that episode will produce in the forthcoming hours!
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