However Sherlockesque this guy may be; he's not Sherlock Holmes. I don't know who he is. He might me an imposter! I believe I have to capture and torture him to get some answers cause he hasn't said a word yet. He looks awfully smug... must have tons of secrets!
where you can hipster yourself, although I kind of went all realistic and dressed the doll in the clothes I usually wear, hence the conclusion: I am a hipster... sans the true hipster glasses. Mind you, I would like a pair.
There's something insanely beautiful about these pictures; the dark, the shadows, the contrast... the melancholia stricken Sherlock. Jeremy Brett, posing as Sherlock Holmes in the Granada series.
Yeah, this is what I do at night; treating myself to some good ol' gay romance. Acting like a complete perv. I wonder if MessieursCumberbatch and Freeman knows what buckloads of fanfic dedicated to them there is out there? Isn't great what you can do with a pen and paper and some photoshop? Gawd I wish real life could be more like photoshop sometimes. Ctrl + Z, please!
Oh, and I also did this little doodle of a man in his PJ.
This is what I'm doing for school right now. I'm not happy with it, but then again I'm never happy with anything I do. I'll send it off tomorrow when I've done the final touch ups and ...shit.
Drawing while watching the Sherlock Holmes movie with RDJ resulted in this little profile. Yes, yes; it's far too much Sherlock in my life right now. I will seriously OD soon.