fredag 30 september 2011

Do drop dead please.

I had to get it out of my system.
Some people just piss you off, don't they? Muckin' about in Photoshop allows you to let off some steam. A somewhat better solution to the problem rather than resorting to violence. Although some good old fashioned violence would suit me right about now. Fight Club anyone?

you piss me off


torsdag 15 september 2011

Not so friendly

Aight. Me and illustrator = not friends.
I'm trying to do some school work, designing business cards for a baker. I wish I could work in photoshop. I like photoshop. Stupid ai.

Waaay past my bedtime

I see you.

I'm up way too late messing around in photoshop. I do not know what the hell this picture is all about. Don't ask.

tisdag 13 september 2011

School morning coffee

...I miss it.

Inanimate objects play dead

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr! My stupid alarm didn't go off this morning and it cost me 1100 precious money due to missed driver's ed. appointment. Inanimate objects really piss me off when they just lay there, doing nothing.
Why today?! Why when I was going to get billed for not showing up? Why not when I had a day off and just thought I might get up a wee bit earlier than... hrm... noon...

lördag 10 september 2011

Green: A wee bit better than everybody else.

In plain flavoured English: The Swedes swear by their milk. And the holiest of holy is the one which comes in green packaging. It goes by the name Mellanmjölk, directly translated: Middle Milk. Not too fatty, not too skinny, juuuuust right. The colour green stands for freshness, ecological thinking and calm, wich makes Mellanmjölken even more of a king amongst milk.

I made this as a part of an application for a fancy design school. I didn't get accepted. Maybe the judges were lactose intolerante?