When I grow up I'm gonna get myself a real nice pipe and take up smoking. I'll also have a sex change, grow a couple of inches and move to London to solve crimes just so satisfy my huge ego. Yeah, that'll be nice.
And very, very soon these guys will pop round for tea again. Brilliant!
This is what fever looks and feels like. It's a nasty little beast, rendering me into a quivering heap of jelly every time he/she/it visits me. Fever's stupid and should be banned, along side stomach flu and Per Gessle.
Been making a mess with ink that dad bought for me in Japan, this is not a product of the mess in question. This is another mess. I've also been listening to Cabin Pressure whilst making said horrific mess and I just realised that I've accidentally made myself addicted to radio theatre now. It brings back that nice, cosy feel from when I was younger and listened to detective stories in the car, heading back home from a sunny day at the beach with my family. That awesome relaxed and soft feeling of being totally spent, from playing in the water for hours, and just sitting in the back seat getting caught up in the story that's being told to you. Love it!
Can. Not. Keep. Away. From. The. Pens. The freaky girl in the lower left corner, enjoying the wonders of a vomiting unicorn, is me when I've slept a total of six hours in three days; eeeeverything is hilarious at that point of sleep deprivation.
Slow work days tend to result in a lot of doodles. Today was no exception. This here is Snuffi, the cutest bunny in the world, host for some kid's show or other. Hrm, well, yeah, in private he's an ass hat. I believe all the major cartoon characters are complete wankers when they're off set.
Mhm. It's off centre and messy and just... Oh, do shut your face! I'm just having a bit of fun. Gotta try all those ideas that pop up in my head like onlike poker ads. Close up below.
Whooooohooo! I'm studying! Go me! I'm perched on the armrest of the sofa, wrapped in my gay blanket with a lovely cup of coffee, using the dvd-player as a desk and there's finally some snow outside to brighten up this dreary last month of 2011.
I should be studying, but I catch myself googling for Aidan Gillen instead. His performance as Stuart Jones in Queer As Folk is just... just... my God, man, you're getting lovlier by the moment! A complete and utter wank biscuit but sexy as hell and a with latent heart of gold beating deep, deep down inside of him. Alright, study now! Aidan is for leisure time. Buck up!
A doodle from a slow work day, it's me. I was insanely tired and longed to be at home, lounging around in my pyjama, doing fuck all, far away from repetitive questions and snot faced kids. I do look incredibly hideous.
However Sherlockesque this guy may be; he's not Sherlock Holmes. I don't know who he is. He might me an imposter! I believe I have to capture and torture him to get some answers cause he hasn't said a word yet. He looks awfully smug... must have tons of secrets!
where you can hipster yourself, although I kind of went all realistic and dressed the doll in the clothes I usually wear, hence the conclusion: I am a hipster... sans the true hipster glasses. Mind you, I would like a pair.
There's something insanely beautiful about these pictures; the dark, the shadows, the contrast... the melancholia stricken Sherlock. Jeremy Brett, posing as Sherlock Holmes in the Granada series.
Yeah, this is what I do at night; treating myself to some good ol' gay romance. Acting like a complete perv. I wonder if MessieursCumberbatch and Freeman knows what buckloads of fanfic dedicated to them there is out there? Isn't great what you can do with a pen and paper and some photoshop? Gawd I wish real life could be more like photoshop sometimes. Ctrl + Z, please!
Oh, and I also did this little doodle of a man in his PJ.
This is what I'm doing for school right now. I'm not happy with it, but then again I'm never happy with anything I do. I'll send it off tomorrow when I've done the final touch ups and ...shit.
Drawing while watching the Sherlock Holmes movie with RDJ resulted in this little profile. Yes, yes; it's far too much Sherlock in my life right now. I will seriously OD soon.
I do believe Sherlock is kind of like a five year old, he has to see what happens if you fire a couple of rounds in to the wall or pour acid on the living room carpet. I think this side of his persona grows stronger when he's bored and with that great mind of his he gets bored pretty easily. One of these days Watson might kill him.
When he's utterly bored he resorts to narcotics. Not a very charming part of him, but I like it cause it's a part of him that makes him human and not some sort of goody two shoes superhero.
"The finest mind in England, whimpering like a child for the self indulgence of narcotic."
Provided that we're talking about school work. I planned a day full of honest hard work and toil but ended up doodling Sherlocks, drinking coffee and watching the old Granada Sherlock Holmes played by Jeremy Brett. These two are based on that charachter. I'm suffering from serious Sherlock-mania!
Smug Sherlock
Run, Sherlock! Run!
The man, the myth, the legend. Mannen som vet hur man åker tåg.
Yeah, I'm not an early bird. I'm the night owl waiting until midnight to get ideas. This is what I'm doodling away on at the moment; a flyer for an imaginary bakery. I've got a long way to go yet, but I'm getting there. All I have to do now is figure out a way of life where I don't need any sleep at all.
I had to get it out of my system. Some people just piss you off, don't they? Muckin' about in Photoshop allows you to let off some steam. A somewhat better solution to the problem rather than resorting to violence. Although some good old fashioned violence would suit me right about now. Fight Club anyone?
Aight. Me and illustrator = not friends. I'm trying to do some school work, designing business cards for a baker. I wish I could work in photoshop. I like photoshop. Stupid ai.